johann kim manez, md, diblm, faclm
Dr. Johann Kim Manez is a health champion, a host, a resource speaker, a consultant and a lifestyle medicine physician.
Dr. Manez is the 1st Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the Philippines, founder of the Philippine College of Lifestyle Medicine (PCLM), and the 1st International Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. In 2010, he literally brought Lifestyle Medicine to the Philippines after discovering that there was no practice of Lifestyle Medicine in the country. Presently, he is the Medical Director of Neutrino Way Lifestyle Medicine Center, the Executive Director of the Philippine College of Lifestyle Medicine, Practicing Consultant of Four Leaf Lifestyle Medical Group, Founder of Physical Activity Association, Executive Director of the Asian Lifestyle Medicine Council, a Medical Exam Writer of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine and the Head Doctor of The Doctor’s Kitchen PH.
Please get your pen and paper ready for the Nutrition Collaborative Team Practice on Cancer. Let’s hear it from Dr. Johann Kim Manez.
Dr. Manez is the 1st Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the Philippines, founder of the Philippine College of Lifestyle Medicine (PCLM), and the 1st International Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. In 2010, he literally brought Lifestyle Medicine to the Philippines after discovering that there was no practice of Lifestyle Medicine in the country. Presently, he is the Medical Director of Neutrino Way Lifestyle Medicine Center, the Executive Director of the Philippine College of Lifestyle Medicine, Practicing Consultant of Four Leaf Lifestyle Medical Group, Founder of Physical Activity Association, Executive Director of the Asian Lifestyle Medicine Council, a Medical Exam Writer of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine and the Head Doctor of The Doctor’s Kitchen PH.
Please get your pen and paper ready for the Nutrition Collaborative Team Practice on Cancer. Let’s hear it from Dr. Johann Kim Manez.
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